The Worship Ministry of the Church at Station Hill exists to develop worship leaders that make and multiply disciples of Jesus


Our worship choir is committed to being a group that cares for, equips, and challenges each other to grow as worshippers of Jesus Christ. The choir serves throughout the year during our 9:30 and 11:00 services and is made up of people from all walks of life, and every experience level.


  • No musical training or audition required


  • Wednesdays | 6:30-7:30PM in Children’s Worship B

Contact Rachel Baker for more information

Vocal Team

Members of our vocal team lead our congregation in worship weekly. Volunteers serve on a weekly rotating basis for all services on scheduled Sundays. The team is held with the expectation of leading on and off the platform through gospel conversations, groups and going/serving.


  • Ability to learn music on your own, auditions and interview required

Contact Luke Roman for more information

Worship Band

The worship band leads our congregation in weekly worship. Volunteers serve on a weekly rotating basis and for all services on scheduled Sundays.


  • Excellent skill with an instrument, audition and interview required

Contact Luke Roman for more information

Media & Tech

Our media and tech team work with the worship team to create an environment that focuses the congregation on worship and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Volunteers serve on a weekly rotating basis and for all services on scheduled Sundays.


  • No previous experience required, but willing to learn and train in necessary skills

Contact Rachel Baker for more information

Our Staff

Luke Roman

Worship Minister

[email protected] Send Email

Mary Russell

Associate Worship Minister

[email protected] Send Email