The Preschool Ministry at The Church at Station Hill believes parents are the primary disciplers of their children—and we are your partners in that process. That’s why, each week, we create a safe, fun, and creative environment for your preschoolers to learn about God.

Upcoming Events


Preschool Life Groups

Birth–Pre-K | Sundays | 8:00

Birth–Kindergarten | Sundays | 9:30 & 11:00 AM

We worship God together, make edible creations in the kitchen, pray together, learn by exploring, experimenting, jumping, laughing, and listening, and connect every Bible story to Jesus.


KidLife | Music and Missions

Wednesdays  |  6:30–7:45 PM

We learn to worship God by singing and playing musical instruments together. We learn about people groups who don’t know Jesus, and we pray for them. We learn through hands-on activities.

Your Child’s Safety Matters

We value the protection of your child. That’s why we hired MinistrySafe in 2021 to reinforce and enhance our policies and procedures regarding abuse. We thoroughly vet our staff and volunteers, as well as require background checks and child abuse prevention training. Through our Code of Conduct, leaders commit to live by God’s Word and follow His standards for holiness, living above reproach in their actions and attitudes.

For all emergencies, our teams are equipped with detailed plans for weather-related events (such as fires or tornados), power outages, and active intruders.


Serve With our Preschool Ministry

Check out the opportunities below!

Our Staff

Amy Keys

Preschool Minister

[email protected] Send Email

Elizabeth Shipps

Preschool Support and Equipping Coordinator

[email protected] Send Email

Jennifer Ellis

Mother's Day Out Director

[email protected] Send Email

Jordan Fisher

Childcare Coordinator & Preschool Coordinator | 11:00 AM

[email protected] Send Email