Jesus challenges conventional thinking, in his time and ours, about what it means to be “blessed.” In the Beatitudes, Jesus shows us the marks of an extraordinary life of faith. The Sermon on the Mount is about Jesus making disciples: How are you being changed by Jesus? Who are you discipling and who is discipling you?
See below for today’s order of worship as well as sermon notes and discussion questions.
Welcome: Jay Strother
Songs of Worship:
“Song of Moses”
“Build My Life”
Offertory: Jay Strother
Sermon: Jay Strother, “Blessed” – Matthew 5:1-12
Prayer and Altar: Jay Strother
Song of Response:
“Blessed Be Your Name”
Next Steps: Jay Strother
“The Doxology”
The Sermon on the Mount is the Greatest Sermon Ever Preached by the Greatest Preacher Who Ever Lived.
The Sermon on the Mount re-defines for followers of Jesus what it means to be BLESSED and what life looks like in His Kingdom.
Definition of BLESSED: God is life-giving to us so we can be life-giving to others.
The Sermon on the Mount gives us a portrait of Jesus and who we are becoming in Him.
Table Talk Questions: