Are you looking for ways to get involved and develop community? Are you seeking deeper purpose and meaning in your life? Are you ready to make a kingdom difference?

At the Church at Station Hill, we want you to understand your kingdom calling. We provide several ways to help you to discover and connect your Godgiven passion and gifting to ministry.


Discover classes are a key part of our membership process. Interested in learning more about becoming a member?

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What is Discover US?

When you attend Discover US, you will learn more about who we are, what we believe, and how you can get connected. It’s a great opportunity to learn how to get involved with our church family!

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What is Discover YOU?

Discover YOU is a class designed to help you learn about your Spiritual gifts and apply them to ministry. We’ll also explore your unique wiring and your Godgiven ministry passions to help you engage in serving and loving others.

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What is Discover DxD?

Do you want to become a disciple of Jesus who makes disciples? Are you looking for tips and tools to help you invest in the spiritual growth of others? Join us for Discover DxD as we provide practical how-tos in disciple making. Learn how you can become a disciple of Jesus who makes other disciples.

Our Staff

Stephanie Prince

Connection Minister

[email protected] Send Email