In this COVID-19 season, please be aware of the following:
- Face masks for students and leaders are required inside buildings during student programming.
- ]Physical distancing is required, which is maintaining at least six feet of distance from anyone who is not in your household..
- Worship seating will be arranged and/or marked to promote adequate physical distancing, per campus.
- All student worship gathering venues will be limited to 50% of their normal occupancy.
- Hand sanitizing stations will be available.
In choosing to attend, you realize and accept the risks associated with gathering indoors during a pandemic.
Our adult leaders will be screened as they arrive with screening questions and a temperature check.
Each person should self-screen before attending any activity, meeting, or event. If you can answer “yes” to any of the following questions, please stay home. This is a simple way to love your neighbor and show compassion. As a best practice, if you did not attend school because of symptoms or exposure, please do not attend a student gathering.
- Have you been in close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
- Have you had a fever in the last 48 hours?
- Are you experiencing sore throat, cough, or shortness of breath?
- Have you experienced a new loss of taste and/or smell?
- Have you had vomiting or diarrhea in the last 24 hours?
By checking in your child, you are acknowledging the following:
- One adult per child is allowed in the preschool area.
- I will allow for temperature checks on any preschooler participating.
- All adults will wear a mask during drop-off and pick-up.
- No snacks will be served (pre-made bottles are allowed).
- No one in our family is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.
- If anyone in my family is diagnosed with COVID-19 after my child was in your care, I will inform a member of the preschool staff.
By checking in your child, you are acknowledging the following:
- One adult per child is allowed in the Children’s area.
- I will allow for temperature checks on any child participating.
- All adults will wear a mask during drop-off and pick-up.
- No snacks will be served.
- No one in your family is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.
- If anyone in your family is diagnosed with COVID-19 after my child was in your care, I will inform a member of the Children’s staff.