Our Kids Ministry equips families by providing safe, secure, and engaging group environments where the gospel is proclaimed.

Upcoming Events


LIFE Groups (Grades 1-5)

Sundays | 9:30 & 11:00 AM

Learning God’s Word in an age-appropriate, biblically-based, Christ-centered small group setting. LIFE Groups begin in a corporate worship setting designed specifically for children and transition to age-graded classrooms. Our LIFE Group leaders are trained, equipped, passionate and intentional about teaching children about God’s amazing love for them.

TeamKid (Grades 1-5)

Sundays | 5:30 PM

Engaging children in Bible study education through a large group setting throughout the school year. This opportunity is provided to support adults attending Sunday PM LifeGroups.

Reservations are required for your child to attend. If you are attending a LifeGroup and need to reserve a spot for your child, please text the word Childcare to 623623.



Wednesdays | 6:30 PM

Wednesday nights during the school year includes music, age-graded Bible study, missions and more. Children begin with KidLife Worship and then transition to their small group where they will be engaged in Bible study.

Your Child’s Safety Matters

We value the protection of your child. That’s why we hired MinistrySafe in 2021 to reinforce and enhance our policies and procedures regarding abuse. We thoroughly vet our staff and volunteers, as well as require background checks and child abuse prevention trainings. Through our Code of Conduct, leaders commit to live by God’s Word and follow His standards for holiness, living above reproach in their actions and attitudes.

For all emergencies, our teams are equipped with detailed plans for weather-related events (such as fires or tornados), power outages, and active intruders.


Our Staff

Kristen Patton

Associate Children's Minister

[email protected] Send Email

Taylor Johnson

Next Gen Minister and Children's Minister

[email protected] Send Email